Monday, December 30, 2013

2014: A Year of New Visions, Habits, and Breakthroughs

2013 witnessed much change.  This was notably true in my life.  I experienced the death of an immediate family member, moved to a foreign country, and began working in an environment that doesn’t speak English and no longer have the immediate comfort of loved ones around.  It seemed like this was a year of little steadiness.  Everything worked on or thought about eventually changed again.  It was a year of adventure but inconsistency.  I believe the New Year will bring more stability and growth.  2012 was the end of an era; 2013 was a year of change; 2014 will be a year of new visions, habits, and breakthroughs. 

New Visions

Plans change. Visions remain.  I remember hearing this quote several years ago while attending a leadership conference in Tacoma.  It was from John Maxwell.

Plans change.  This is one of the greatest lessons learned growing up.  Plans are not guaranteed; expectations are repeatedly met with disappointment.   When I was a senior in high school I intended to go to Northwest University in Kirkland, graduate with a teaching degree, get hired at a public school where I could teach and coach, buy and move into my own house, get married, and have a couple kids before I was 30.  Well, one of those came true.  Plans altered, interests changed, and my ideal plan of my future life continued to be reformed.  Travel wasn’t even on my radar, nor was my interest in family history research, playing in a band, or writing a blog to promote my ideas on Facebook.

Plans change.  Plans are strategies to get to our goals.  These plans often experience detours and alteration.  Emotions also change.  One day we feel inspired about a plan and make significant headway.  The next we feel uncommitted and toss the plan aside.  Plans are amended over and over.

Visions remain.  There is an inner dream that arises during our childhood and finds its place in our subconscious that repeatedly reminds us it’s still there throughout our entire lives.  It’s what Paulo Coelho describes as our Personal Legend.  It’s that little voice inside us connecting us with the purpose of our lives.  These are our visions.  Visions are the features of our calling.

We will feel motivated, inspired, and excited about life’s endless possibilities at times.  Other times we’ll find it hard to get enthused.  Our emotions are inconsistent and unreliable.  If we lean on them we find ourselves unstable and hovering in the habitual inconsistencies of the mind, and the mind is restless.  Yet visions remain with us through both our motivated and apathetic states.  Visions are deeper levels of consciousness deriving from our inner selves.  Visions stand the test of time.

What is your vision?  What is your calling?

New Habits

It is believed to take 21 days to both start and break a habit without missing a day.  That’s almost a month.  The majority of habits are done subconsciously, without us even paying an ounce of attention.  This is what makes them so hard to overcome.

The road to your vision is structured on habits, in mind and in action.  When “The Secret” came out many people were excited about the possibility of creating whatever they wanted for their life.  If they could visualize it, they could create it.  Imagine you are driving along the highway to a Florence and the Machine concert.  You began to visualize a parking spot near the entrance of the amphitheater to be open just for you.  You keep it in your mind and confidently say over and over to yourself with faith that a spot will be open as soon as you drive into the parking lot.

You drive into the parking lot and discover every close parking spot occupied.  In fact, you are directed quite a distance away from the amphitheater.  Your visualization didn’t work.  First responses from strong advocates of the law of attraction would say you didn’t have enough faith.  That’s very similar to the Christian understanding of the “faith of a mustard seed.”  I’m not disapproving it.  In fact I’m a great believer in the law of attraction and strongly believe our thoughts affect our outcome at the quantum level.  But I’m encouraging the religious supporter of “The Secret” to look beyond mere faith to a crucial element of seeing this quantum change happen at the macro level. 


You cannot get from point A to point B unless you move.  I can’t say enough how important this is for the realization of our dreams.  Consciously thinking and intending for something to happen is great, but it must be followed by action.  I remember talking about traveling internationally with my brother for years and years.  We were so excited and had the vision.  But it took a decision to finally buy the plane tickets one day to see the trip happen, to our pockets despair.  If there’s no action, there’s no momentum to see the fulfillment of that dream.  Thoughts to action; abstract thinking to practicality; “Lala-land” to actualization.  To have a different result we have to change our actions.  We must modify our habits. 

Habits are the footsteps to our visions.  If we expect to see a big change in our reality, a change of habits is required.  The fulfillment of our dreams requires habit change.  Limiting habit change results in a limited spectrum of change.  I say “spectrum” because there’s no telling exactly how our daily lives will turn out in every detail.  External forces play their part.  We must be open to alteration and obstacles.  I also say “spectrum” because habits align with each other vaguely and affect each other.  Your habit of drinking may affect your habit of morning meditation.  Your habit of exercise may affect your habit of sleep.  I remember at an NBC basketball camp during high school hearing a revision of a saying that was quite common: “Practice makes perfect.”  Suppose you’ve been practicing saying a phrase in a different language.  Over and over you’ve been repeating this phrase to yourself and have it nailed down.  You then go out in public and use it in conversation.  The native speakers of the language look at you funny.  What did he just say?  You say it again.  They still don’t understand you.  With the use of hand and facial gestures you communicate to them what you’re trying to say.  Their faces light up and they start to laugh.  Then they say the correct way to say the phrase.  The whole time, after days of practice, you realize you’ve been saying it wrong.  You were practicing, but it wasn’t perfect.  Instead of “practice makes perfect” you really should be saying, “Perfect practice makes perfect.”  How you practice matters just as much as the action of practice.  If you’ve been making few jump shots, you may need to change up your shooting routine.  If you’ve been in a hitting slump, you may need to change how you grip the bat or even the bat itself.  Your habits are your practices.

What are your current practices? 

A little change can lead to big effects.  Time is a valuable resource.  Everyday we’re blessed with 24 new hours to spend.  If we don’t spend it, it will be taken from us regardless.  So why waste it?  If you were given $1,000 to spend in a day and were told the money left over would crumble to dust when the clock strikes 12, would you think twice about spending all of it for something that’ll last a little bit longer?  Imagine if you actually created a time to practice your guitar skills, learn how to cook, work out, or read the classics.  You don’t believe your habits can alter your reality?  Try it.  We cannot expect to change our outcome unless we change our habits.  We are responsible to act, not just imagine. 

Are your current habits progressing you?  Are they limiting you?  Reassess yourself.  Make 2014 a transformative year.  What do you want to fulfill in the New Year?  The choice is yours, and it starts with changing your habits.

New Breakthroughs

You know that feeling you get during those “wow” moments of total bliss?  That’s the feeling you get when experiencing breakthroughs.  Breakthroughs happen when a restriction is removed or surpassed.  Breakthroughs are overcoming an obstacle or stalemate.  Breakthroughs are life-altering.  They feel great.

Breakthroughs are the evidence of our personal advancement.  They are a sign of individual achievement.  They are the assessment of our progress.  What are your visions?  Breakthroughs are a way to evaluate our advancement to these objectives/aspirations. 

They’re also a sign of grace.  Sometimes months and years are spent trying to advance to the next level.  No matter how much effort we seem to put into our aspirations, the breakthrough doesn’t happen.  But then one day it does.  There’s no explaining it; the universe just grants your wish.  Breakthroughs are encouraging and humbling at the same time.

It’s been a while since my last big breakthrough.  It happened in 2010 after a period of great affliction.  Before that, the tragedy of my first death experience in 2008 led to a subsequent breakthrough year in 2009 of international attentiveness and emotional highs.  A great mountain of possibility follows a low valley.  And every breakthrough is greater than the one before it.  Were you traversing a low valley in the year 2013?  I have good news for you:  a mountainous breakthrough is on its way.

A breakthrough unleashes new visions.  These new visions inspire new habits, and these habits will lead to more breakthroughs.  The cycle starts over.  Several years from now the landscape is going to look a whole lot different.  We will be rewarded, but we must persevere.

2014 is where the road ascends.  You’ll be climbing that mountain, and upon each step you’ll see more of the grand world around.  Of course, you have to decide to actually take the steps.  It’s a climb, but it’s a glorious one.

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another. 
Walter Elliott

Saints are sinners who kept on going. 
Robert Louis Stevenson

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking. 
Buddhist Saying

Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it.  I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down. 
Charles F. Kettering

Never think that God's delays are God's denials.  Hold on; hold fast; hold out.  Patience is genius. 
Georges-Louis Leclerc

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sometimes you must cross a bridge and other times you need to burn it. But, always keep building one and never lose your faith in life.

Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over. 
F. Scott Fitzgerald

When your dreams turn to dust, vacuum. 
Author Unknown

Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they've got a second.
William James

Difficult things take a long time, impossible things a little longer.
André A. Jackson

Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.
Earl Nightingale

Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.
William Feather

Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
Jacob A. Riis

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