Sunday, September 8, 2013

100 Days in Mongolia

Today marks my 100th day in Mongolia.  Wow!  How the days have flown by.  I thought it would be fun to post a list of 100 things I’ve done since being here in Mongolia. 

What I’ve Done Since Being In Mongolia

1.     Lived with a Mongolian host family
2.     Took a hot shower in a South Korean airport
3.     Made new American and Mongolian friends
4.     Had three months of training in the Mongolian language
5.     Walked to and from school an hour each day
6.     Always getting challenged by Mongolian drunk men
7.     Squatted to use the toilet (jorslung)
8.     Hand-washed my clothes
9.     Made a Mongolian meal
10. Made an American meal for my host family
11. Had my Mongolian brother try to hook me up with a Mongolian woman
12. Witnessed Mongolian nursing at the dinner table
13. Went to the Mother Tree
14. Walked around Ulaanbaatar
15. Watched a goat butchering
16. Witnessed two Mongolian fights
17. Had a photo-shoot one night with another volunteer’s host family
18. Had a “Sunny in Philly” marathon with my site mates
19. Taught English to Mongolian students
20. Crammed many bodies into one taxi
21. Saw a middle school student get punched in the face by another middle school student
22. Partied for a week straight in Darkhan
23. Got the flu during Mid-Center Days
24. Played basketball with Americans and Mongolians
25. Drank airag, fermented horse milk
26. Ate giddis, goat guts
27. Spectated the Mongolian Annual Olympics (Naadam)
28. Let my host brother borrow 20,000 tugriks, which I never saw again
29. Walked in on that same host brother and his wife at their most intimate
30. Almost got bit by a dog
31. Got lots of shots
32. Almost got charged by an angry calf
33. Saw a goat running on top of the other goats to get towards the front of the herd
34. Played soccer with Mongolian children
35. Played guitar and sang for my school’s opening ceremony
36. Gave a speech for my school’s opening ceremony
37. Wrote two new songs
38. Read two books
39. Had a gossip night with…dudes
40. Helped create and facilitate an English conference in Darkhan
41. Rode on part of the Trans-Siberian railway
42. Drove to the Mongolian-Russian border
43. Got called a “Ruski”
44. Experimented soaking cowberries in vodka to find out it was disgusting
45. Went to a Mongolian dance club
46. Sang karaoke
47. Learned and sang four Mongolian songs
48. Stayed out past three with my host brother to witness my host mom angry and hitting him
49. Found Jamaican rum and drank it
50. Discovered that my favorite pivo in Mongolia is “Khar Khorum”
51. Gave a massage (and sort of got one back in return)
52. Held a rabbit
53. Dug a well
54. Fetched water out of a well
55. Took a bucket bath
56. Got made fun of for saying “baas” (which means poop) instead of “bas” (which means and).
57. Got invited in by a Buddhist monk to his study
58. Got cleansed by a Shaman
59. Drank water from a natural spring
60. Jumped off a giant sand dune
61. Sat next to a pretty girl on the airplane
62. Stayed in three different aimags
63. Won a volunteer trivia night
64. Actually won in site-vs.-site dodge ball
65. Dressed in a Mongolian traditional dell
66. Held a baby for the first time in 14 years
67. Ate mutton cooked by hot rocks
68. Visited a ger
69. Lived in solitude in a Soviet apartment
70. Milked a cow
71. Got a piggy-back ride from my small Mongolian host dad, who ended up with a strained lower back
72. Debated Ron Paul and politics with fellow volunteers
73. Wrestled Mongolian-style (sort of)
74. Hiked a mountain
75. Woke up out of a dream screaming
76. Had a sleepless night caused by a rooster crowing
77. Had weekly campfires with the other PCVs
78. Played ping-pong against a Mongolian elder
79. Discovered that Snickers and Twix are bomb-diggity
80. Found a dead decomposing bird in the clean water source which I usually drank out of
81. Won at beer pong and then lost the next match to two girls
82. Was in the same room as two people getting it on
83. Lived out a “King of the Hill” moment, drinking a pivo outside the delgur with my friends
84. Ate at an Irish-American pub, which was not so Irish
85. Shopped at three different black markets
86. Flew in a tiny airplane across the country
87. Watched the Heat defeat the Spurs in the NBA Finals
88. Taught Darkhan teachers about different ways to use the Internet as a resource
89. Discovered that mustard is great with spaghetti
90. Learned the Cyrillic alphabet
91. Joined a fantasy football league
92. Recorded a song sung and played by a Mongolian family
93. Met the American Ambassador to Mongolia
94. Experienced the freezing cold of an early June night
95. Went to Caikhan Uul
96. Ate hosher at Naadam
97. Drank gin with tang
98. Joined the “Game of life”
99. Was part of an act at a Mongolian circus
100. Sat next to the Mongolian version of Mac’s mom (Sunny in Philly) in the taxi

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